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Laboratorio RF Microonde e Elettromagnetismo

High Frequency solutions for Internet of Things connectivity


by G. Collodi and S. Selleri

The course focuses on TX/RX Front Ends for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. IoT will become a pervasive technology within the next 10 years. In the course the TX/RX front end is analyzed as the central element enabling connectivity, in its parts: Antenna e Transceiver, which must be co-designed and co-optimized and cannot be considered independently in an effective design. 

The course illustrates the different Transceiver and Antenna architectures, relating them to the different communication standards, highlighting their critical aspects, existing commercial solutions and illustrating possible future trends.

Ph. D. Course, 2 CFU, Held on February 20-21 2018 Slides [PDF - 5.67 Mb)]

ultimo aggiornamento: 06-Mar-2018
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